
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Painting progress

Hi All,
since a while ago I thought I would share some pictures of my paint jobs as they are in progress. Of course other members are also encouraged to send me their painted miniatures pictures so I can upload them.
Well I have tried to stay away from them, but seeing how popular they are at the club I decided in my own fashion to put my hands on some Napoleonics. If I like them I will continue buying more, but if I do not, then I can make a meaningful donation to the club.

Bavarian line troops ready to be dipped! (first experiment ever!)

To boost up my Napoleonic gaming experience I also received from a friend some Prince August's Prussian infantry with which I am hopefully going to make a battalion.

I love the Toy Soldier look of those miniatures.

My recent excitement beside the other 300 projects I have ongoing, like everybody else, is African exploration (aka Colonial wargaming). I got interested in the period due to a couple of articles on the period in Wargamers Illustrated 292, written by Chris Peers one of the guru's of the subject.
I happened to have some RAFM miniatures 1890 Colonial British and I promptly bought a box of Warlord Games Zulus topped by some metal Zulu's from Brian (thanks mate!). Those latter I cannot recognize, I thought they were Wargames Foundry but they seem to be from another manufacturer, and to those I added spare plastic weapons and shields from the afore mentioned box.

Warlord Games Zulus and the unknown manufacturer's Zulus.

I also have as you can see from my painting desk, some 28MM World War 2 Italians. Lovely figures, though they are super well equipped and their kit is immaculate, perhaps too smart for the battlefield. Never the less great miniatures that I will paint to use with Don Featherstone's Skirmish Wargaming (another fairly recent purchase).

My painting desk, the miniatures in white are the Bavarians, the sand colored miniatures are the Italians.

That's about it from my painting desk, I should perhaps game more as I couldn't take part in the last 2 sessions.
By the way I also finished my DBR Tartar army in 15MM, although I already have bought some extra figures to start morphing them into Ottomans! what to say the leopard never loses his spots. Soon I will post some photos.

Thank you all for reading and see you at the next games day! (information on the right hand side of the page!)


Thursday, August 9, 2012


皆さん こんにちは!

ふるさとのトリノ市でイタリア語版のField of Gloryを買いましたよ。



武雷安さんとゲストの方は一緒にWarhammer Fantasyのゲームをするようです。

8月19日(日)8階 第1学習室 午前10時~午後6時頃

9月23日(日)7階 創作室
10月14日(日)7階 創作室


ジョバンニ (翻訳:武雷安とその妻)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Game Days on the horizon

Hi All,

I am finally back from my Italian holidays that have been my spiritual medicine. So I am back for a new year of gaming and painting. I came back from my local (in Turin) game shop with Field Of Glory in Italian! it is nice to read and understand everything.

To celebrate that I plan to play my first game with my newly finished 15mm tartar army, I will play with Takeo, who knows the rules, I am sure it will be a nice training game.

Robert, Rod, Pete, and probably Matt, will play a fairly large Napoleonics game using the newly acquired french units, it is going to look amazing!

Brian is also going to play a Warhammer Fantasy game with a guest of the club, if anyone is interested to join in, please contact us.

These games will be set on the 19th of August.

Thanks to Brian, we managed to book the Sousaku Shitsu (the large room next to the kitchen) for September and October, so we should be able to organize larger games. I would like to thank Brian, because thanks to your speed in booking the rooms, we are definitely going to be at our ease and will have enough space to host a lot of gamers. The flower arrangements ladies are probably planning their revenge!

Next sessions are going to be on:

September 23rd (Sunday) Sosaku Shitsu
October 14th (Sunday) Sosaku Shitsu

Jolly Good! looking forward to see all the members soon and anybody else who wants to visit us.

See you soon
