Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pete Allen

Giovanni and I have some bad news we have to pass on to all of you.

Last Sunday, on his way back home from the game, Pete Allen suffered a major heart attack, and was taken to hospital.

Giovanni has been keeping in touch with Pete's wife, Kumiko, and we have to report that Pete's situation is extremely serious.   At the time of writing, Pete has been in a coma since he was hospitalized, and the reality is that his prognosis remains very uncertain at this point in time. 

Kumiko has asked that we inform you of Pete's current situation via this blog.

Pete has been an active member of the club for some years now, and he has earned our friendship and respect for his good humour, his talent, and his total passion for the hobby.

This is hard news for all of us.  We would like to express our heartfelt sympathy and support for Kumiko and Robin at this very difficult time, as we all hope for Pete's full recovery.

- Robert & Giovanni