Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmass session 5th of December


Thank you for participating in the last event, it was good fun and with the new entry of Yannis we got new energy for our events. As mentioned earlier I think there was a general ineterst to go back to miniatures. So to keep things easy I thought we should play either DBA or DBR condensed scale. At home I think I can sport 2-3 playing areas varying on the scale of the miniatures. Since I am quinte willing to push DBR and Brian should have 100 points of Samurai, it would be nice to play DBR, I can organize about 2-3 small armies and with what Gareth has we can play without troubles.

As for DBA (ancient wargaming) I have enugh armies for everyone.

This time I would rather start at 14.00 because last time we almost took the table cloth from the table when people where coming up the stairs!!

See you all soon

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Maharaja report

So yesterday the 21st of Nov. we met and had a game of Maharaja. Where I think Yannis was the overall winner with the most victory points.
THe game was fairly simple but a bit too shceduled. I enjoyt it quite a lot, but I found difficult to follow up things an game turns is kind of complex. I also have to admit that I was distracted by Daugter, th internet and so on so at times they had to call me to the table! (Sorry about that!)
Here is a picture where Yannis is considering one of his final winning moves with Brian's Mandarines in the foreground.

Close up of the board, I was playing several nations but most of the time they where sent off the board by invasions, combat and whatsoever!

Panoramic of the game. Next time we will probably go back to miniatures since we have been playing boardgames twice. Next event the 5th of December. See you all soon

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Date change! Next Meeting NOVEMBER 21ST

HI All,

Due to a small mis-calculation in my schedule we will have to change teh date for the next Session.

The new date is the 21st of November and we will still play Maharaja. Perhaps there might be more participants than I thought (which is absolutely great!) so I will also be running a participation game of DBA for the people who might not fit in the maximum number of players of Maharaja.

Looking forward to see you all
